Association Managers
Your association is supported by two Association Managers, one from the SSCE and one from ESSF. These managers facilitate communication between your association, the SSCE and the ESSF. The SSC also has one general contact: Ramses Rongen,
With these managers, you will have two SSCE Association Meetings and one or multiple ESSF meetings. Details on both of those can be found below. Make sure that you prepare these meetings well, with the information given below.
You can find the full list of all association managers from SSCE and ESSF here:
You can find the email addresses of the SSCE contacts below, and those of the ESSF Board on the ESSF Board page:
Ramses Rongen | |
Misha Latuhinin | |
Atef el Allouche | |
SSCE Association Meetings
1 General
During your board year, you will have contact with the SSC. This can be regarding materials, training, competition, and lots more. To make this contact as smoothly as possible, it is advised to have a few meetings per year together.
1.1 SSC contact point
Each association will have their own SSC contact point. This will be your first contact point with the SSC. This is also the person with whom you will have the meetings during the year.
1.2 ESSF buddy
Next to the SSC contact point, each association will also have an ESSF buddy. This is one of the ESSF board members that will be the buddy for your association (and a few more). This will be your first contact point to the ESSF for general questions. This board member will also accompany you during the meetings with the SSC.
2 Meetings
2.1 Informal get-to-know
The first meeting is an informal get-to-know to introduce you as a board to your SSC contact point. This meeting will be held before you are officially board members. This is to get to know the SSC before the stress of a board year begins and to offer you some help with writing your policy plan.
2.2 First association meeting
This is the first formal meeting. In this meeting, you will discuss the minutes of the last meeting, things that might have changed in the meantime, the (multiple year)policy, events/calendar and DMS memberlist. Furthermore, you will fill in a report with a summary of the previous discussed topics.
2.3 Second association meeting
The second association meeting is somewhere between the 6th and 8th month of your board year. It will look like the first association meeting, but will be more of an update.
2.3 Third association meeting (optional)
The third association meeting is at the end of the year. This meeting is focussed on the end of your board year and the transfer to the new board.
3 Other
3.1 Visit the association
The SSC and ESSF would like to attend a training or activity of the SSA’s. During this visit, the ESSF would like to participate in a training (if possible) and the SSC will have a look at the accommodation and the training and will have a talk with the trainer(s).
3.2 Contact with the chairman
During the year, the SSC contact point will contact the chairman of your association to catch up with the board. In this short meeting/phone call, the chairman can mention if the board is doing good or if there is any help needed. This will take place between 2 and 6 times a year, depending on the association and what might be needed.
4 Summary
What |
When |
Informal get-to-know |
1 month before becoming board |
First association meeting |
Max. 2 weeks after becoming board |
Second association meeting |
6-8 months after becoming board |
Third association meeting (optional) |
10 months after becoming board |
Visit the association |
2 times a year |
ESSF Association Meetings
1st ESSF Meeting
ESSF would like to meet with every new board to point you in the right direction. Therefore, a meeting will be planned with your ESSF Buddy and as many board members as possible. This meeting requires no minutes to be made, but you and/or your ESSF Buddy may take some notes.
We'll discuss at least the following:
- ESSF in General: what we can do for you and what you will need us for
- Subsidies at ESSF: both financial and non-financial
- Board Grants at ESSF
- Code of Conduct of the ESSF
- Current Issues
- Your ESSF contact will inform you if there are any current issues.
- You can also add issues from your SSA to be discussed
- Use of the ESSF Website
- Informational pages for Boards
- Posting your events and news on the ESSF site
- Use of ESSF for promotion
- Any Other Business
- ESSF Board Whatsapp group
- ESSF "Meetrainen"
- Other ESSF Activities: Coffee and Integration Cup
- Board Member Registration at ESSF
Further Meetings
There are no obligatory further meetings with the ESSF, but you are always welcome to visit our office within opening hours. Remember that ESSF is there to advise you on matters, including those that other associations may already have dealt with. Together, we know more!
Note that the ESSF and SSCE are separate, and while we share some deta regarding your SSA, such as member counts and subsidy grants, information given to ESSF will not be shared with the SSCE, especially if you request us not to. This enables you to also ask for advise on internal matters, as a member of ESSF. We'll only act to assist you.